On Bipeds & Brutes

National Museum of Animals & Society Blog

Tag Archives: Freekibble

Free Kibble for Irene’s Victims

Freekibble.com, the website which rewards users for answering fun and simple trivia questions by donating pet food to homeless dogs and cats, is today contributing all of their proceeds to help pets in Vermont and North Carolina displaced by Hurricane Irene. The best part is, you don’t even have to answer the trivia question correctly to have ten pieces of kibble donated on your behalf!

Freekibble was launched in 2008 by an 11-year-old girl in Bend, OR, by the name of Mimi Ausland. Freekibble’s primary goal is “to provide healthy, nutritious food to the dogs and cats at shelters who are working so hard to see that none of their animals go hungry.” Anyone who has worked or volunteered for a city shelter knows how dire things can get when the city’s budget cannot meet the animals’ needs. Through Freekibble’s partnership with sponsor Halo, their website now helps to feed thousands of animals in shelters, rescues and food banks across the country. Since its inception in April of 2008, 619,029,020 pieces of kibble have been donated! (Probably more by the time you read this.)

When Hurricane Irene swept through the eastern United States at the end of August, it left a trail of devastation in its wake. Parts of Vermont are still dealing with the aftermath of extreme flooding, and over 11,000 people in North Carolina have registered for federal assistance, with a current estimate of $400 million worth of damage done in that state alone. Read more about what the Central Vermont Humane Society, a beneficiary of today’s Freekibble donations, are doing to help the four-legged victims of this natural catastrophe.

Give Freekibble a click today to help support animal welfare, the ingenuity and generosity of kids like Mimi Ausland, and the pets and people displaced by Hurricane Irene. It’s an easy and painless way to make a difference and show your support.